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Rapport Boutique

E-Commerce | Branding | Digital Marketing

Location: Dundalk

Industry: Fashion

The Brief

Rapport Boutique is an independent luxury boutique bringing individual and directional designer fashion to the North East and Ireland. Located in Dundalk, they offer high-end styles and fashions to it's customers. With no online presence, Rapport Boutique approached ZOMA in 2020 looking to develop their online presence and create an online revenue for it's business (and only revenue with lockdowns in place). We straight away recommending the Shopify platform, going off our current fashion client's success with the platform and other fashion brands successfully trading on this platform.

Our Approach

Through our experience in the fashion industry we knew that the Shopify Platform was the perfect solution for this project. The first step was to pick a theme that reflected the elegant, high end style of Rapport. We decided on the Prestige theme (funnily enough) which allows merchants who want to establish a brand to bring a sense of elegance and sophistication to their design. With a minimalism style, focusing mainly on high-quality images with large size, Prestige is suitable for cosmetics, fashion stores, or businesses specializing in luxury and expensive items.

Additional feature we used in the design of the site was a mega menu (which allows for multiple columns and banner ads for highlighting promotions), image hotspot linking ( where you can easily display information about multiple products on the same image) slide-out cart function, timeline (allows merchant to tell an engaging story of the brand) and color swatches with group filtering.

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