Location: Dundalk
Industry: Sports Apparel
Visit: Defy.ie

The Brief
Defy are an up and coming brand in a competitive industry. They are a sports apparel brand borne out of passion providing on and off-field sports clothing for all major team sports, GAA, LGFA, Soccer, Rugby, Basketball and Athletics.
Defy approached ZOMA in the early stages of their brand development and challenged us with developing a platform that resonated with their unique and modern style. What we produced is a unique, bold and unapologetic website.

Our Approach
We felt that Shopify, as the world’s leading e-commerce platform, was the best solution for Defy Sports Apparel. This e-commerce platform gives merchants complete control of their shop front, being able to easily add product ranges, categories and sale items amongst other features. For the customer the website takes the user on a journey through the products the brands have to offer but also the service that they provide.
Shopify also features marketing integrations in the back end of the site which makes it easier for merchants to retarget their products to site traffic but also to target similar audience to site traffic. We also assisted Defy Sports Apparel in securing the trading online voucher.
