Web Design | Brand Development | Graphic Design | Social Media
Location: Ardee
Industry: Retail
Visit: ArdeeTown.ie

The Brief
With the closure of businesses due to the lock down, Ardee Traders & Business Association contacted ZOMA to see if we could assist them in developing a platform for the businesses of the Ardee region to showcase their products or services online and to also showcase the town of Ardee and all it has to offer from clubs and societies to tourism. With any brand development from scratch the ZOMA team sat down with pen and paper and started thinking up some ideas for a brand and platform to represent the town of Ardee. We developed an initial 4 month strategy which was followed up with an annual strategy.

Our Approach
The first step was to develop a name for the brand and our team decided on ArdeeTown.ie - does exactly what it says on the tin. We then researched Ardee and found an association with the colour blue, worn by their local GAA club and used by many businesses in the town. We fed this into an animated logo design for socials and website and a transparent logo for any print needs. The next step was to develop a listing website with all businesses, clubs and associations represented on the site as well as a brief history of the town. We integrated the site with a Content Management System due to the large amounts of data. We also setup an e-commerce element to the site for town vouchers to be sold online, which was crucial in the run up to Christmas.
As we wanted to showcase businesses, not only through a listing, but on the Ardee Town social media pages we sent our videographer out to video over 50 businesses in the area, as well as local politicians and clubs. This created a huge portfolio of content to be used on the social media pages and to also be shared with the businesses to use on their own social media pages. Due to the success of the project, ZOMA looks forward to working with Ardee Traders for the next couple of years in promoting Ardee Town and the wonderful businesses of this town.
